Palakur Eshwitha Sai

Google | STEP Intern

  • Worked on building ChatBot for Google Nest Support using Java and Dialogflow CX.
  • The ChatBot fetches useful insights about the device or structure of a customer after their consent, to decrease overall resolution time of a support case.
  • Tech stack - Java, Dialogflow CX, Protocol Buffers and other Google Internal Frameworks.

Visa | Software Development Intern

  • Worked on building the RPMs for Visa big data components using Apache Bigtop.
  • Added the stack version feature to the RPMs to facilitate cluster rollback and upgrade without any issue.
  • Tech stack - Gradle, Shell Script, Maven, Docker, JFrog Artifactory, Git.

GeeksforGeeks | Technical Content Writer Intern

  • Wrote articles that cover topics in Data structures, Algorithms and Machine Learning.

I am a student at IIT BHU, Varanasi studying Mathematics and Computing, currently in my 5th year.

During the course of my college, I have been a part of various software development projects through coursework, internships and hackathons at Visa, Google and Infosys.

I love to explore various technologies, get hands on experience in them and aim to apply my knowledge on how they can be put to use to make our daily lives easier.

Apart from work, I enjoy photography, yoga and gardening. I also spend my time volunteering at Kashi Utkarsh, where we educate and spread awareness in the underprivileged sections of the society.